Monday, April 1, 2013

3/28/13- Antonin Artaud

  • started with surrealists and was too crazy/outrageous for them!
  • associated with the Theatre of Cruelty (EX. A Clockwork Orange- aversion therapy)
4 Levels of Appeal
  1. Emotional (most common)
  2. Intellectual
  3. Visceral (connection to the animal urges)
  4. Metaphysical (Spiritual/Transcendent)
Visceral- like Baywatch or Psycho (physically attractive or repulsive)

Theatre of Cruelty's purpose: catharsis (just like Aristotle)
Artaud: if you can experience this vicariously then it acts as aversion therapy for audience members

  • doesn't work for vengeance- anything that would only perpetuate violence doesn't count
Dracula Antonin Artaud

  • French actor in silent films; leading man
  • severe mental illness- eventually institutionalized
  • "The Theatre and Its Double"- collection of his essays
  • (Harold Pinter's "One for the Road")
  • "The Theatre has been created to drain abscesses collectively"--- VERY famous phrase
  • Wrote: "I Cenci" and "The Spurt of Blood"

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